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Guide to American Media Bias

Published: Look Magazine, July 4th, 2022
Copyright: Look Magazine, all rights reserved.

Are Americans being fed propaganda by media outlets?

The fine lines between reporting, making money, and advertising appear to have disappeared. There seems to be a daily onslaught of selective sound bites and advertisements broadcast over and over to systematically influence our opinions.

Has news reporting become a pay-to-play industry? What isn’t being reported, and why? These are important questions you will have to answer yourselves. Follow the money and follow the people that run these outlets, only then will you be able to get some answers. You will discover that the people running these outlets are either entrenched with political parties or owe their positions and thus allegiance to individuals connected with these Parties. Why and how almost all the national News Television networks are pushing an extreme left to left leaning agenda is bewildering because they are forsaking half the viewers in the country. Even in international news objective reporting is dead today. All networks are only pushing a narrative that is put out by the state department which is pure propaganda. Here is a list of major US media outlets and their perceived bias.


ABC  CNN  CBS PBS  |  NBC Universal  |  Fox News


American Broadcasting Company (ABC)

LOCATION           Burbank, California (parent), New York (news)

POLITICS             ABC News is perceived to have a strong liberal bias.

MONEY TRAIL   ABC is part of the Broadcasting subsidiary of Walt Disney Company. In 2021, the Broadcasting group’s advertising revenue was $3.2 Billion and profit approximately $0.5 billion.


Cable News Network (CNN)

LOCATION           Atlanta, Georgia

POLITICS             pro-liberal, anti-Republican Party bias.

MONEY TRAIL   Owned by Warner Communications. In 2020, CNN’s advertising revenue was $1.6 billion. †


Columbia Broadcasting Network (CBS)

LOCATION           New York

POLITICS             pro-liberal, pro-Democratic Party bias

MONEY TRAIL    Shari Redstone is the majority owner of CBS Corporation and Viacom through her ownership of National Amusements. News revenue from advertising in 2020 was $318 million. †


Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)

LOCATION           Arlington, Virginia

POLITICS             Very left-wing bias favoring the Democratic Party.

MONEY TRAIL   A total of 354-member television stations share collective ownership. PBS receives government funds from Congress’ $445.5 million annual public broadcasting budget. Balance is by individual and corporate sponsorships.



LOCATION           New York

POLITICS             From left-wing to anti-Fox

MONEY TRAIL   NBC is owned by NBCUniversal LLC which is a subsidiary of Comcast. NBC’s advertising revenue for 2020 was $527 million. NBCUniversal owns NBC, MSNBC, CNBC as the primary news reporting channels. In 2020 MSNBC reported advertising revenue of $1.05 billion.These 3 broadcast channels also have non-news content, especially NBC and CNBC. Total broadcast revenue for these 3 channels in 2020 was about $13 billion.


Fox News

LOCATION           New York

POLITICS             Fox is widely held to promote conservative political positions, very anti-Democratic Party bias

MONEY TRAIL   Fox News is a subsidiary of News Corp, which is publicly traded on the NASDAQ. In 2020 Fox News’ reported advertising revenue of $2.9 billion.


Advertising revenue data is from Pew Research Center. Source: Kantar